Sophia is a multimedia and transdisciplinar show, with real-time video and convergence between three elements – word, sound and image. The poetic works of Sophia de Mello Breyner are present in the show, which is defined in an experimental dramaturgical sense, assuming itself as a contemporary visual poetic installation. Sophia was loosely adapted from the short story ‘A Viagem’, but the whole piece was inspired by several works from the author, including ‘Dia do Mar’ (1947), ‘Coral’ (1950) and ‘Poemas de um livro destruído’. The compilation of texts and poems are connected to the imaging, sound, silence, breath, listening, noise, suspension, therefore exploring the public’s emotions beyond what’s visible. The show was created by Vera Paz and Bernardo Amorim and is performed by Vera
Paz and Ricardo Moura.