Not Only Photography’: a conversation on Indie publication of photography in Macau


Not Only Photography’: a conversation on Indie publication of photography in Macau


Not Only Photography’: a conversation on Indie publication of photography in Macau

“All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.” – Albert Camus

Through sharing the experiences of two local photographers from Macau, we can explore the independent publishing models popular in the art world in recent years, and the significance of the action of photobook publishing for artists who work in images.
Speaker: Dialect Association founding members Rusty Fox and Tang Kuok Hou, and Galo Fanzine publisher Mike Ao Ieong
Panel duration: about 60 minutes
Date: October 2 (Friday) 12:00 pm
Language: Chinese
Spontaneous Interpretation: English
Venue: Portuguese Bookshop
Ticketing: free admission