Tereza Sena is presently Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Xavier Research Centre for Memory and Identity (XRCMI), Faculty of Humanities, University of Saint Joseph, developing research related to the Jesuit China Mission in the late seventeenth century.
Since 1988 she has devoted herself to the study of historiography and history, culture and literature of Macau, including themes such as political autonomy; history of translation, that of the city´s intermediary role in the international trade of South China; foreigners at Macau; Macau’s Cemeteries; Macau-Siam’s relations; missionary activity in China, Siam and continental Southeast Asia. She develops international academic activity, being involved in several research projects, lecturing and publishing extensively (over 60 titles), in Macau, China, Portugal, USA, Germany, Italy, Thailand, Hong-Kong, Japan, Poland and Hungary.
She won three research awards in Portugal (1994, 1st prize) and Macau/PRC (2015 and 2018, Merit Prize, Monograph).