Tang Xiaodu


Tang Xiaodu



Tang Xiaodu was born in January, 1954. He is now a senior editor at The Writers Publishing House and Editor-in-Chief of The Contemporary International Poetry. He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, one of the vice-presidents of the Chinese Poetry Institute and a research fellow at the Chinese Poetry Academy of Beijing University. He has published nine collections of critical essays including Anthology of Tang Xiaodu’s Poetics EssaysToday is Everyday and Experiencing the Defeat First. He has also translated a number of poets, among them Sylvia Plath, Václav Havel, Czesław Miłosz, Zbigniew Herbert and Miroslav Holub. He is a multiple recipient of the Modern Writers Review Prize for excellent criticism. In 2012, he won the first Education Ministry’s Famous Column Prize for Modern and Contemporary Poetics Research. Tang Xiaodu was also awarded the Prize for Contemporary Chinese Literary Criticism in 2013.