Sara F. Costa

Sara F. Costa


Sara F. Costa (1987) has a degree in Oriental Studies and a Major in Intercultural Studies: Portuguese/Chinese by the University of Minho, in partnership with Tianjin University of Foreign Languages, in China. She’s a teacher of Portuguese, Mandarin, and Portuguese and Asian Studies. She was a teacher at the Tianjin University of Foreign Languages, University of Minho, Leiria Polytechnic Institute and at the University of Coimbra Faculty of Economics. As a poet, she have published a number of books and received a series of awards, such as: A Melancolia das Mãos e Outros Rasgos (The Melancholia of the Hands and Other Features, Serra da Lousã Literary Award, 2003); Uma Devastação Inteligente (An Intelligent Devastation, João da Silva Correia Literary Award, 2008); O Sono Extenso (The Wide Sleep, João da Silva Correia Literary Award, 2012); and O Movimento Impróprio do Mundo (The Improper Movement of the World, João da Silva Correia Literary Award, 2016).